Proper Handling of Disclosures

Proper Handling of Disclosures

Listing Agent

  1. Make sure they are completely filled out, initialed & signed by Seller.
  2. Discuss with your Seller the need for full disclosure.
  3. DIA – Disclosure Information Advisory – Seller to sign before completing Seller Disclsoures.
  4. Seller needs to fill out TDS and SPQ [preferably in writing]. Agent is NEVER to fill out for Seller.
  5. LA AVID needs to be done at the same time and is made a part of the TDS.
  6. All “Yes” answers need written explanations.
  7. Once in contract, send completed disclosures to Buyer’s Agent. Ask to have returned before Contingency Removal Date as per RPA paragraph 11.F.

Buyer’s Agent

  1. Obtain from Listing Agent.
  2. Make sure they are completely filled out, initialed & signed.
  3. Discuss with your client, sign & send back to Listing Agent by Contingency Removal Date as per RPA paragraph 11.F.

KW Listing-Sales Procedures 080424

in BuyersComplianceDisclosures | InspectionsListings