Social Listening

In this article I explain a little about the newest Social Media strategy for 2019 – Social Listening! It’s also called Active Listening in some circles. Either way, it’s a method of managing your brand online. In the real estate industry, it’s most useful in understanding what content your audience is craving, what will get them engaged, and most of all, generating new leads. Once I just happened to be on Facebook around 2:17pm on a Thursday. As my newsfeed was scrolling down with new posts, someone posted that they wanted a referral for a good divorce attorney. I responded of course, and we were able to help the couple with the sell of the home and two new homes purchased as they parted ways. What if I hadn’t been on Facebook at that very moment? That’s what Social Listening can do, notify you of conversations with keywords. Like most services it does cost a monthly fee. It’s worth checking into if your goal for 2019 is to generate leads online. Here’s a few articles on the subject!

KW Marketing Spotlight 2.11.19 Social Listening

in Marketing