Email Campaigns – Best Practices

Whether you are using drip campaigns, newsletters or weekly emails to your database, you need to make them count. The 5 steps to creating effective emails are…

  1. Set Your Goals and Measures
  2. Build Their Trust
  3. Design for Maximum Impact
  4. Deliver Meaningful Content
  5. Integrate The Customer Experience

Your goals are most likely to convert leads into clients or to stay top of mind with past clients for repeat business and referrals. All of those are easily measured.

Building trust can also be fairly straight forward… it starts with setting expectations, giving quality over quantity, and giving them an easy opt out. Making “goodbye” easy keeps your email subscriber list to those who want to engage.

Plan your email template keeping mobile responsiveness in mind. There are lots of widgets in SketchHouse (KW Command) that can help you with a modular email template that works well. Keep the journey in mind… your email campaigns should be a step by step guide of your client experience. And make your CTA stand out!

Using images in your emails is critical, but even more crucial is that the images have purpose and relate to your content.

When planning your “email story,” keep it relevant, conversational, have a beginning, middle and end, and keep your core values in mind. Maintaining a consistent look, feel, voice and schedule will keep your readers engaged.

To integrate into your customer experience, make it personal, keep your audience in mind, and put your client at the center of your message… use the word “YOU” rather than “I”!

Be sure to check out our Marketing Services for more help on getting your branding completed and marketing planned for 2019!

KW Marketing Spotlight 3.4.19 Email Best Pracices

For more information on the 50 Best Practices for email campaigns, check out this article by Salesforce.

50-email-marketer-best-practices Salesforce article

in CommandMarketing