Agent Referral Fee Agreements

Agent Referral Fee Agreements

In order to ensure that both inbound and outbound referrals are paid correctly and timely, all Referral Agreements must be signed by Team Leader, uploaded to the appropriate document slot in Command and included in the Commission Request submitted to the Market Center Commission Demand Processor in Command.

Standard referral agreement compensation between agents is to be no greater than 25%. Otherwise you will need Team leader approval.

Any changes that affect the Referral Agreement must be submitted in writing to your Market Center Commission Demand Processor before the Commission Demand is sent to Title. Any changes that affect company dollar must be approved by the Team Leader.

Agent is responsible to ensure that the Commission Demand is correct, including any referral fee.

Referral fees may not, at any time, be paid after the close of escrow, or paid directly to another agent outside of escrow.

If referral fee is not submitted to the Market Center Commission Demand Processor before company dollar is calculated and prior to close of escrow, the agent understands that the full amount of the referral will need to be paid out of the Agent’s portion of the commission.


in Office Policies Tags: Referral Fee