San Francisco Transactions – Checklists for Seller & Buyer

San Francisco real estate transactions have numerous additional required Agreements and Disclosures than many other areas of the Bay Area. Please review the GIBS form SF General Information for Buyers & Sellers [see link below].

Some example include:

  • Report of Residential Building Record 3-R Report (GIBS paragraph 23)
  • Water & Energy Compliance (GIBS paragraph 46)
  • Underground Storage Tank Compliance (GIBS paragraph 49)
  • San Francisco Entertainment District Advisory and Disclosure (GIBS paragraph 55)

Also, please review the following documents & checklists for Seller & Buyer.

GIBS SF General Information ot Buyers & Sellers {DDA]

San Francisco Disclosure Checklist

SF Broker-Agent Transaction Checklist

in BuyersComplianceListings